Is this a joke?

Happy April Fools Day. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but something is up.

I’ve been having unusual urges lately. The feelings are so faint that they’re often barely detectable, but they’re there and they’re growing. I feel motivated. I want to repair and strengthen friendships. I want to go places and do things. I want to write. I want to get rid of the literal and figurative junk that’s been keeping me down and holding me back. I’m consumed with feelings that I haven’t felt in a long time. Hope. Optimism. Ambition.

It’s terrifying.

I don’t trust it, to be honest. How am I supposed to believe that these feelings are real or that they’ll last? This could be some cruel prank that my mind is playing on me, getting my hopes up just to smack me down later when I least expect it.

But what if it’s real? It feels real.

It would be a shame to let these feelings go to waste when I could be taking advantage of the fact that this tunnel that I’ve been living in actually does have a light at the end of it. Suddenly, a map has appeared and while it’s very difficult to understand, I think I can figure out it. I feel like trying.

So that’s why I knocked the dust off of my WordPress account and changed my blog name. Here I stand: Small, Dark & Handsome. Three words that will hopefully remain true for the rest of my life (although I could sure go for some more height if you’ve got some to spare).

I really, really hope that these feelings aren’t a joke. If they are, let’s just have fun until the punchline lands. I’ll talk to you soon.

– Lew

Lights On

Sometimes I get so used to being in the dark that I don’t know how to act when the lights come on. Having adapted to navigating the spaces around me by tentatively feeling my way around, limbs outstretched, moving slowly so as not to inadvertently knock something over or hurt myself, it takes some adjusting when suddenly I can see everything around me and move without fear.

Yesterday the lights were on all day. I didn’t even notice at first, but after breezing through my morning routine and arriving early (EARLY!) to my appointment, it occurred to me that there was something different about that day. I felt different. I felt… good? The sensation was so foreign to me that I was initially dumbfounded about what I was supposed to do next.

I kept it simple; I was hungry, so I decided to have lunch. A quick Yelp survey of my current location reminded me that I was minutes away from a restaurant that I’d always wanted to try. Perfect.

The restaurant was cute and my agenda was void of any plans, so I decided to dine in. Instead of immersing myself in a book or listening to a podcast, I decided to soak in my surroundings. I swayed to the acoustic pop covers wafting from the stereo in the corner. I let my brain wander and jotted down some story ideas on a napkin. I politely eavesdropped on the college students next to me, telling their tales of early 20s drama and woe. I really looked at my food and analyzed the presentation, the textures, the aroma, the squeak of the utensils against the plate.

It was bizarre to be so present. I didn’t feel like I needed to escape the moment or distract myself with words or music. I wasn’t anxious about anything. I wasn’t sad. I was comfortable. I felt…good. Happy?

I’m glad that I took myself to lunch yesterday. It was invigorating to bask in the light instead of worrying about how long it would take before things got dark again. To anyone else, I was just a woman eating alone at a restaurant, but if they only knew… this was a celebratory meal and it certainly called for dessert.


“Sleeping Beauty” Brick Toast at KrungThep Tea Time in Winter Park, FL


what’s good.

In the 9 months since my last blog post, I could have done so many things… I could have starred in a couple of movies. I could have infiltrated a pack of wolves and, with my winning charm, convinced them to adopt me as one of their own.. I could have fallen into a terrible downward spiral, broken some laws, done some time and recently reemerged, ready to be a productive member of society again. I could have had bacon. I could have had a kid.

Yeah, none of that happened.

The time seemed to fly by so quickly that, at first thought, I couldn’t recall much happening at all. However, my calendar and my camera roll I reminded me that I’ve actually done and seen some things after all.

I only want to talk about good things today. That’s cool, right?

Since September 28, 2015, I:

…traveled to 11 cities for work.

…had my happiest birthday in a really long time.

…improved my winged eyeliner skills enough to finally wear it in public.

…reaped the  benefits of open-mindedness.

…discovered the magic of New Orleans through food, history and a little supernatural adventure.

…ate dim sum at a brunch.

…assembled a dream team with my current psychologist and psychiatrist.

…survived a snow storm.

…kissed someone passionately while ascending in a glass hotel elevator.

…shook off some of the nonsense that was covering up the real me.

…shared one of my favorite cities with my younger sister for her birthday.

…developed a fascination with bats.

…learned that I have more allies than I could have ever imagined.

…cruised to the Caribbean.

…cut my hair. I think it’s cute.

So between all of that and the myriad of things I never got around to telling you about last summer, I guess I’ve got some things to blog about, huh? Stay tuned.



Lend me your zen?

09282015 lend me your zen

Will you lend me your zen?
I’m bereft and appalled!
Is it part of an upgrade? Was it pre-installed?

A piece of your peace;
That’s all I’m requesting.
Don’t need it full-time; take it back when I’m resting.

Make me a mantra!
I’ll chant whateva.
I just need the words, phrases, timing, et cetera.

Teach me to meditate!
Please, just be sweet.
Don’t laugh when I ultimately fall asleep.

You wanna do yoga?
I’ll probably fall.
At least I can say that I tried after all.

Help me help myself.
My aura is wretched.
I’d love to repair it, but don’t have a method…

– Lew


09212015 stressbucks

My anxiety isn’t as much of a debilitating problem now as it has been in the past, but it can still rear its ugly head in certain situations. Apparently, visiting a Starbucks is one such occasion.

I don’t frequent the chain very often and, as a result, I’m not as comfortable as those who get their fix there several times a day. I’m often left stupefied as I witness members of the Starbucks tribe effortlessly order their complicated sounding drinks. As someone who doesn’t speak Starbucks, it’s both fascinating and intimidating to watch someone who’s fluent in the language saunter up to the register, casually lean against the counter and confidently say, “I’ll have an iced, skyscraper, skeletor, quarter caff, flip-flop doohickey with triple unicorn tears and cumulonimbus foam.” 

Then, when it’s my turn, the best that I can muster is, “Um, I just… M-may I have some chai tea? In a… in a cup? Please?”

But one does not simply order tea on Planet Starbucks. What size? That’s a fair question, but don’t you dare ask for a small, medium or large. You’re at Starbucks! Speak Starbucks! Oh, and do you want ice? Milk? What kind of milk? Foam? Whipped cream? How much fat would you like in that? How about some drizzle? Surely you must need some flavored syrup, right? But, wait- there’s a smaller size that isn’t on the menu. Actually, as if you didn’t have enough choices already, there’s an entire secret menu of hacks that will make your drink taste like something out of the Harry Potter universe or like your favorite candy bar. So many options. SO MANY OPTIONS!

Look, I think options are great. However, it’s tough to make a decision when there are 20 antsy Starbuckians behind me in line, breathing down my neck, itching and trembling from withdrawals, longing for the impending moment when their tastebuds are reunited with whatever combination of caffeine and sugar will satiate them. Plus there’s the exhausted barista, impatient with my hesitation and eager to serve the growing mob behind me. In an effort to not be THAT person who holds up the line and ruins everyone’s day, my trips to Starbucks usually begin with an intense research session in the parking lot, poring over the menu on my phone to ensure that I don’t embarrass myself when it’s my turn to order. Once I think I’m ready, I walk inside repeating the order in my head like a mantra. I cannot be distracted. I cannot make eye contract with anyone. I have to focus on silently chanting these words until it’s my turn. Even with my extensive preparation, I’m riddled with stage fright at the register. I’ve performed in front of countless crowds and effortlessly memorized and delivered seriously complicated dialogue in my life, but this moment can reduce me to the hottest of messes.

I always try to at least act like I’ve got it together when I order. I tell myself to pretend that I’m doing a scene. When the barista greets me, I treat it as though a director has just said, “Action!” I take a deep breath, deliver my carefully rehearsed line and wait for my scene partner to respond… And that’s when the barista lets out an exasperated sigh and reads my order back to me the way that I should have said it. Some joker behind me chuckles at my ignorance. All I want to do is turn into metallic ooze, melt down into a sludgy mass and slink away like the title character from The Secret World of Alex Mack. 

Here’s what I really can’t stand: my immediate reaction is to apologize profusely for messing up. What am I apologizing for? Just tell the people what you want, fork over your money, wait for the cup that will probably say “Lou” and get on with your day. 

Maybe I’m being way too analytical about this, but it’s possible that Starbucks represents a microcosm of the way that I navigate the world as a whole; I don’t fit in, I can’t relate well to people and everything I say feels wrong.

The only times when I’ve felt at peace in a Starbucks is when I was there with my best friend Kelli, Queen of Coffee. When she lived here we made appearances at locations all over the Orlando area. Having a distraction from ordering greatly reduced my anxiety. With something else to focus on, I didn’t have to obsess over what to get.

Who cares what I order? Kelli & I need to get back to discussing the audition tapes that we’re about to record.

So, I got eye rolls & attitude for saying my order incorrectly again? Honestly, I barely noticed because I’m more interested in hearing the rest of Kelli’s sorry about the guy at work that she’s falling in love with.

Oh, I asked for this tea on ice & received it hot instead? Whatever, my homegirl & I are in the middle of a brainstorming session about characters that we can write for ourselves.

So maybe the key to having a less stressful visit is to Starbucks is to channel those times when I was so happy to be with my friend that I didn’t care where I was or what I was doing. Or, you know… I could just never go there again and drink my tea at home alone. That sounds nice, too. 

– Lew

Keys to Nowhere

09202015 Keys to Nowhere

Recently Danielle, who blogs as The Thought Card did a “What’s in Your Bag?” post. In her entry, titled A Bag Lady on Occasion, she detailed the contents of her bag & then asked her readers to share the weirdest thing in theirs. My bags are always filled with unexpected things, so I eagerly searched through the medium-sized crossbody that I’d worn that day to see what bizarre findings were there. To my utter shock and dismay, the contents were unusually ordinary. Wallet, lip balm, hand sanitizer… standard purse stuff. Slightly dejected at my state of normality, I commented about the strangest thing that my search revealed:

I looked through my bag and found room keys from 3 different hotels. I’ve accidentally developed quite a collection over the years. I keep saying that I’m going to make some sort of art project with them, but so far I’ve got nothing.

Pretty boring, but it did prompt me to take a look at some of my room keys and think about what I’m going to do with them. These are from the stack next to my bed:

My Room Keys
This isn’t all of them… just the ones that ended up on my nightstand.

I started searching online to see what other people have made from their old room keys, credit cards and gift cards. Fortunately, I got some great ideas! Here are a few:

A Mosaic Picture Frame or Mirror

I like the idea of making frames to house photos of some of my favorite destinations. I could model them after this mirror from Kayte Terry on Craftylish :

mosaic mirror_kayte terry_craftylish


I don’t know the first thing about making jewelry, but maybe with a little practice I could become an Etsy sensation or hit the farmer’s market & craft festival circuit. Or perhaps I’ll just make gifts for my friends and family.

Jupita Designs created the beautiful earrings and necklace at the bottom of this picture (as well as the gorgeously detailed mosaic journal cover, which is also inspiring me):

Jupita Designs_GiftJUP Collagefinal2


I’d love to find an attractive way to hang my room keys up somewhere. In a perfect world I’ll play with dimension and create something that protrudes from the wall or hangs from the ceiling… but a nice frame or shadowbox is great, too.

framed_jgross5 ig
Credit: jgross5 on Instagram

Here are some ambitious designs that I don’t intend to replicate, but felt like sharing:

Bob Weir Moasiac by Michael McGinn_Holiday Inn Pinterst

Michael McGinn created this mosaic of Bob Weir out of 1,800 room keys, which were accumulated over the 15+ years that he spent on the road as Weir’s audio engineer and producer (source). For the right price, I’ll make one of your face, too. It won’t look very good, but it will come from the heart and that’s all that matters, right?

Bryan Berg_Holiday Inn_Daily Mail
AFP/Getty Images

Holiday Inn commissioned master card stacker Bryan Berg to build a guest house out of 200,000 room keys (source). Maybe I should hold on to mine in the very likely event that I end up homeless one day.

Truthfully, I have a lot of things on my to-do list that are much more pressing than this, but when I do finally get around to making something out of my mountain of keys to nowhere, at least I’ve got some inspiration to kickstart my creativity. I’ll be sure to share whatever I come up with. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

– Lew


I’m pretty sure the caption says, “W.W. ‘Willy’ Boyd, photographed in front of his blacksmith shop on Main Street.” The year is too blurry to decipher, sorry.

Dear Mr. Boyd:

You were the highlight of my stop at the Breckenridge Welcome Center in May. The building was about to close and I was grateful for a chance to walk through and glance at some of the history displays. I wish that I knew your story. Your menacing scowl caught my attention and, to this day, all I have are questions:

May I call you “Cleophus”? I know it’s not your name, but you look like a Cleophus.

Are your grieving? Are you hurt? What’s with the face?

How many teeth do you have?

Are you single? I’m asking for a friend.

You’ve killed people, haven’t you?

What’s 7 x 9?

Do you have a problem with the person taking your picture?

What’s the worst epithet that you’ve heard about someone who looks like me?

Who’s the dude in the hat? I’m asking for a second friend.

What’s the least appetizing thing that you’ve had to eat?

Can you coach me on my scowl? I look constipated.

20150514_Me & Cleophus

How can I convince my generation that smiling in photographs is overrated?

Do you need a friend? I’m a great listener.

How old is the oldest person that you know?

If your cardboard cutout were to spring to life right now and you saw me standing next to you, would my life be in danger?

Are you afraid that the camera is going to steal your soul?

Are those couture suspenders?

Please visit me in a dream and give me the answers that I so desperately desire. I’m headed to sleep now & I anxiously await your arrival. Thanks, Cleophus!



Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.

I’m a big fan of that quote. As someone who always seems to be perpetually behind, it makes me feel less ashamed about my dysfunction. I mean, look at that choice of words… procrastination is an ART. A specialized skill. A talent that needs to be refined over years of indecisiveness and second-guessing. Not everybody can keep up with yesterday, you guys. Why merely live in the present when you can simultaneously live a little bit of the immediate past, too? Life is so much fuller! Short-range time traveling is where it’s at, trust me.

Good ‘ol Don Marquis has inspired me to redefine some other things:

My room isn’t messy, it’s teeming with creative energy that’s essential to my process as an artist!
This isn’t a headache, it’s an internal cranial massage!
I’m not short, my body just made a conscious decision to be closer to Mother Earth!

The other day I was babysitting my beloved niece, Little Popcorn. At 6 years old, she’s still fuzzy about the concept of age and she has yet to remember how old I am. At the same time, I’ve started telling people that I’m an octogenarian as a joke because people rarely guess how old I am and if I were actually in my 80’s I’d be smokin’ hot for my age.

LITTLE POPCORN: Auntie, how old are you again?
ME: Guess.
ME: Ha! No. Older.
ME: I’m 80.
LITTLE POPCORN: Hey, I said 18 the first time!
ME: No, 80. Eight-Zero.
LITTLE POPCORN: You’re 80??? You should be a mother by now!
ME: Wait- what?
LITTLE POPCORN: (jumping next to the couch) BE A MOTHER! BE A MOTHER!
ME: Well, I mean, maybe someday but right now I-

[If a grown person had told me to have some kids, I would’ve been offended, but I can’t be mad at a child. From her experience, that’s what adults do. Plus, she probably just wants some cousins to play with. I won’t be venturing into the world of motherhood anytime soon, so I used this opportunity to redefine my childlessness for her.]

ME: Ok, first of all… get off the couch before your grandma comes in here and punishes both of us. Second, I like spending any spare time and money that I have on you right now instead of bringing another person into the equation. Isn’t that better?
LITTLE POPCORN: …Yeah, that sounds good to me!

And then we did our special high five and built a Lego ship together.

I can probably eliminate a lot of things that I perceive as negative in my life. All I have to do is redefine them.
– Lew

The Write Time

09142015 write time

If I were merely an occasional night owl, life would be so much easier but, no… I am terminally nocturnal. I’m thoroughly convinced that I was made to live my life after dark.

There’s an energy in the air at 4 am that makes me feel more alive than I could ever be at noon. Perhaps because everyone else is usually asleep. Those hours are mine and I revel in my sweet solitude.

It’s the only time of day when I enjoy silence. I’m perfectly content hunched over in my bed, surrounded by the squalor that is my room, listening to the percussive tapping of my fingers on the keyboard.

Tonight I’m writing about some of my favorite trips. I haven’t decided which one I’m going to post first. What sounds most appealing to you:

Thanks for your feedback!

– Lew